Assistance Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Medianav English (British) / Medianav Handleidingen Renault Dacia

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Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Message non lu par riemoee » ven. nov. 10, 2023 5:52 pm

after installing the bootloader, i want to add the NK,bin but my medianav instantly starts up, so it does not get to the wince after 10 minutes but it just starts up like normally.

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Re: Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Message non lu par MIdev » ven. nov. 10, 2023 6:51 pm

hello I just moved your topic to have more detail on what exactly you are looking to do.
for your subject you must use an old USB 2.0 formatted in fat32.
Do you want to update your system to version 9.1.3?
do you want to access windows this?
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Re: Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Message non lu par riemoee » ven. nov. 10, 2023 7:18 pm


i have a reverse camera installed and wired up, but my medianav WAS in 9.1.3 and gave the pop up that my camera was either not connected or broken. So i have read about micom in windows ce so i decided to try that.

i have degraded to 6.0.3, then installed the bootloader. then the part came to put NK.bin on a stick, and let it boot with that, but it doesnt boot on windows. i have a usb 2.0 fat32 formatted stick.

so i went to windows from settings and the codes, then tried running the micom 6.0.3/6.0.4 but didnt work either.

also if it boots with the nk.bin file, do you pull the stick out and put the stick back in with the micom file on it then run it or? tutorial is a bit unclear for me at that point. but first lets get to booting it up with nk.bin.

i dont know what to do to activate rear camera.

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Re: Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Message non lu par MIdev » ven. nov. 10, 2023 9:03 pm

Copy an empty text file name or download like these two proposals:
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Or mcmtest.activate.ini:
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Insert your USB into your medianav.
Do something on the version screen to get the codes box.
Enter the two codes under the hidden menu:
  • Micom Review
  • Click on RVC Off put on RVC rvc
  • Click on $17 (RVC)
2 x Power button (the large button at the top to turn off the medianav)
closing the vehicle
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Re: Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Message non lu par riemoee » sam. nov. 11, 2023 9:29 am

tried again just now, i can not get into win CE by booting with usb stick nk.bin file on it.

i downgraded from 9.1.3 to 6.0.3.

i installed the bootloader for 6.0.3/6.0.4.

and now have nk.bin on stick but it boots normally, it does not boot up in win CE

pls help, i want my camera to show up on my screen..

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Re: Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Message non lu par riemoee » sam. nov. 11, 2023 9:32 am

sorry did not see your reply,

in 9.1.3 i had activated it in micom test, but not the R17 rvc..

my rvc was on.

still did not show.

is there maybe a download link to upgrade back to 9.1.3 as my radio was? and get my navigation maps back?
so i can try again to activate rear camera in micom TEST again?

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Re: Update MediaNav évolution version 7.0.5

Message non lu par riemoee » sam. nov. 11, 2023 10:42 am

i now upgraded back to 9.1.3 and tried in micom test, it still was enabled rvc, and i confirmed it with $17.

but still when i put it in reverse it says camera broken or not connected.

i know the camera works because if i check the pulse in the cable it works. 1.10volt video signal.

i wouldnt know what i could do to make the camera work.


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