Tutorial Connect diag tool 4.1.0
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
Hi. My name is Sina. I went to the micom test & made a mistake. I touched "clrcnf" in micom test menu & this message appeared: "connect diag tool"
Version is 4.1.0
Please help me. I cant download files in this forum.
Version is 4.1.0
Please help me. I cant download files in this forum.
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
two suggestions:
uses an NK file maybe someone else before you install it on your medianav to start under Windows.
use UCL2 file to boot into Windows
after this procedure to access Windows, you must use the micom manager to reconfigure your medianav
two suggestions:
uses an NK file maybe someone else before you install it on your medianav to start under Windows.
use UCL2 file to boot into Windows
after this procedure to access Windows, you must use the micom manager to reconfigure your medianav
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
ULC2 : NK : copy the contents of the ULC2 folder and the NK file to the root of your USB
then insert it on your off medianav and start it.
it should block on the logo until getting the screen on windows.
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
your objective is to access Windows from the medianav in order to repair it, otherwise you must find an OBD cable and DDT4ALL software
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
Hi. I copied the files into the root of flash without any folder & connected to MV & turned it on. But no change happened.
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
Hi. Somewhere I read we could access win ce with "dboot 1.4" or "dboot 2"
But i cant find this anywhere for download
But i cant find this anywhere for download
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
Dboot 4.1 :
Bootloader 4.1 :
if you can perform only one of these updates then you will be able to access Windows. but my experience I doubt !!
Bootloader 4.1 :
if you can perform only one of these updates then you will be able to access Windows. but my experience I doubt !!
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Re: Connect diag tool 4.1.0
One of members that opened this topic, his name Cedric63, had exactly this problem & he could fix it with "bootloader" that you sent. Why i cant access windows ce. Maybe i do it wrong.
Now I should extract one of these & copy in root of flash & connect to MN? No need to any other file in addition to flash for access windows?
Just one of these 2 file?
Now I should extract one of these & copy in root of flash & connect to MN? No need to any other file in addition to flash for access windows?
Just one of these 2 file?
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